Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Roundup: Week 7

Angry me at UPS
After work, I come straight home to get to work on Mother's Day cards for my Momma and Scotty's Momma and Granny. I was choosing the paper and accent pieces when Scotty arrived home. We had a race event to attend Saturday, so Scotty started packing up some stuff and I went upstairs to check with my landlord to see if Scotty's Momma's gift had arrived as planned. It hadn't. I checked the tracking info, it said "Out For Delivery", but it was already 7pm. Scotty called UPS and was on the phone for nearly an hour trying to sort out why we had not received our package when we paid for Second Day Air. Both of us were livid. Apparently the package was not really out for delivery it was on a trailer on the other side of the city. After pitching a royal fit, and speaking with about 10 different people, they finally assured us it would be delivered on Saturday at no additional cost. I let my landlord know, and we headed off to Granny's for the evening to do laundry.

4:45am - Scotty's alarm goes off.
5:00am - I get up and start getting ready to go.
5:50am - The truck is packed up and we head out to Road Atlanta for Formula Drift Atlanta races.
6:30am - We stop for gas and breakfast. I am so not a morning person. I was cranky as hell and hungry, so I was snippy and mean. Scotty got really aggravated with me and we weren't really speaking until we got parked and started unpacking.
7:30am - Truck is unpacked and the guys are setting up our space. L and I are chatting over breakfast and I paint my toes.
8:00am ish - I snuggle up to Scotty and apologize for being bitchy and promise to try to have a good time.

Once everyone arrived the Formula One races started. That part was boring. Really boring. But I kept busy, making sure everyone had drinks and food. Chatting with our neighbors and such as well made our morning go by pretty quickly until the drift races, which is what we came to see, started at 2:00pm.

1:00pm - Scotty starts drinking.
1:30pm - Scotty is on his 3rd beer.
2:30pm - Scotty is officially drunk and slapping people in the face with a raw hot dog giggling the entire time.
3:00pm - Scotty and his buddies were "mouth raping" each other with raw hot dogs.
The drift races were really cool. I enjoyed them more than I thought I would. The rules are pretty easy to understand, but I really couldn't tell the difference between the cars, much less know who they drivers were.

5:20pm - I texted my landlord to see if the packages were delivered. He said they weren't. And again with the angry rants about UPS. Scotty decided he was going to rip the UPS guy a new one Monday (today).

Angry cat turned into livid Tigress.
8:00pm - Scotty is sobering up. He gets irritable when he sobers up after drinking all day.
10:00pm - The races are over and they do a final show bit with the cars.
10:15pm - We start packing up.
11:00pm - We finally get out of the track and on the road.

When we finally made it back to Granny's, we both changed clothes and passed out.

Both Scotty and I sleep in, I more than he. He gets up to get coffee and brings me breakfast in bed. I like to think that he was honoring me (the mother of his unborn children lol) on Mother's Day. Just a little. But probably not. Then he went back upstairs to spend some time with his Momma. Around 1:30pm I started to not feel well. So I tried to take a nap, and Scotty attended to me patiently. We were supposed to be at my Momma's around 2:00pm, but I could barely sit up. My head was pounding and I felt nauseous. Finally I began to feel better and we made it to Momma's around 3:00pm. I gave her the certificate for the Snow Leopard Family I adopted in her name and informed her the gift packet would be there before Tuesday. Then we ate a late lunch and sat around watching TV for a while. We came back to Granny's to finish laundry and I started on a side project.

We finally made it home. Both of us were so glad to be there. We ate a little super, showered, and collapsed into bed. I was never so happy to just snuggle up with him and just fall asleep.


Jack and Jill said...

You make cards too? Wow, your talents are numerous!

The breakdown of your Saturday by time was excellent, and fun to read. You really captured the feel of the day.

I've never mouth raped anyone with a raw hot dog. Different cultures, I guess! :)

The bit about Scotty honoring the mother of his unborn children was quite amusing.

Sounds like you both had a great weekend! There are few pleasures in life more perfect than snuggling up with the person you love and falling asleep.

Anonymous said...

LOL yes, I make cards. Although I didn't end up making any this year due to the race, laundry, and lengthy phone call with UPS. They are hand made with scrapbook materials. Personalized for the person they are intended.

The hot dog mouth raping was really funny. It started off as a dare to throw one into the bleachers below us and shout "wiener shot" or something like that. Then someone dared him to go slap a stranger in the face. But it ended up just being the guys doing it to each other.