Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Roundup: Week 7

Angry me at UPS
After work, I come straight home to get to work on Mother's Day cards for my Momma and Scotty's Momma and Granny. I was choosing the paper and accent pieces when Scotty arrived home. We had a race event to attend Saturday, so Scotty started packing up some stuff and I went upstairs to check with my landlord to see if Scotty's Momma's gift had arrived as planned. It hadn't. I checked the tracking info, it said "Out For Delivery", but it was already 7pm. Scotty called UPS and was on the phone for nearly an hour trying to sort out why we had not received our package when we paid for Second Day Air. Both of us were livid. Apparently the package was not really out for delivery it was on a trailer on the other side of the city. After pitching a royal fit, and speaking with about 10 different people, they finally assured us it would be delivered on Saturday at no additional cost. I let my landlord know, and we headed off to Granny's for the evening to do laundry.

4:45am - Scotty's alarm goes off.
5:00am - I get up and start getting ready to go.
5:50am - The truck is packed up and we head out to Road Atlanta for Formula Drift Atlanta races.
6:30am - We stop for gas and breakfast. I am so not a morning person. I was cranky as hell and hungry, so I was snippy and mean. Scotty got really aggravated with me and we weren't really speaking until we got parked and started unpacking.
7:30am - Truck is unpacked and the guys are setting up our space. L and I are chatting over breakfast and I paint my toes.
8:00am ish - I snuggle up to Scotty and apologize for being bitchy and promise to try to have a good time.

Once everyone arrived the Formula One races started. That part was boring. Really boring. But I kept busy, making sure everyone had drinks and food. Chatting with our neighbors and such as well made our morning go by pretty quickly until the drift races, which is what we came to see, started at 2:00pm.

1:00pm - Scotty starts drinking.
1:30pm - Scotty is on his 3rd beer.
2:30pm - Scotty is officially drunk and slapping people in the face with a raw hot dog giggling the entire time.
3:00pm - Scotty and his buddies were "mouth raping" each other with raw hot dogs.
The drift races were really cool. I enjoyed them more than I thought I would. The rules are pretty easy to understand, but I really couldn't tell the difference between the cars, much less know who they drivers were.

5:20pm - I texted my landlord to see if the packages were delivered. He said they weren't. And again with the angry rants about UPS. Scotty decided he was going to rip the UPS guy a new one Monday (today).

Angry cat turned into livid Tigress.
8:00pm - Scotty is sobering up. He gets irritable when he sobers up after drinking all day.
10:00pm - The races are over and they do a final show bit with the cars.
10:15pm - We start packing up.
11:00pm - We finally get out of the track and on the road.

When we finally made it back to Granny's, we both changed clothes and passed out.

Both Scotty and I sleep in, I more than he. He gets up to get coffee and brings me breakfast in bed. I like to think that he was honoring me (the mother of his unborn children lol) on Mother's Day. Just a little. But probably not. Then he went back upstairs to spend some time with his Momma. Around 1:30pm I started to not feel well. So I tried to take a nap, and Scotty attended to me patiently. We were supposed to be at my Momma's around 2:00pm, but I could barely sit up. My head was pounding and I felt nauseous. Finally I began to feel better and we made it to Momma's around 3:00pm. I gave her the certificate for the Snow Leopard Family I adopted in her name and informed her the gift packet would be there before Tuesday. Then we ate a late lunch and sat around watching TV for a while. We came back to Granny's to finish laundry and I started on a side project.

We finally made it home. Both of us were so glad to be there. We ate a little super, showered, and collapsed into bed. I was never so happy to just snuggle up with him and just fall asleep.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

If you haven't read this book, seriously, read it.

I have been so turned on by a book in my life. If you like erotica, you will love this.

Incidentally, it has taken a positive effect on my sex life, and Scotty is not complaining. All day yesterday I was so turned on, that I just had to take little breaks from time to time to read the book. I'm not even done with it yet and I am about to buy the next two in the series. I texted Scotty in the afternoon telling him that I was wet and that he better come straight home after work. He did :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

TMI Tuesday: M is for Mastubation

1. How often do you masturbate?

I used to masturbate a lot more than I do now. But I would say about once a week at this point. 
I was good for twice a day before Nicole. Now it's switched to twice a day w/ her. But I would say at least 2 or 3 times a week

2. What are you doing to celebrate Masturbation month?

I didn't realize it was Masturbation Month. I am more worried about figuring out what to do for Mother's Day.
Having sex?

3. Do you like to watch your partner masturbate?
a. Yes, it turns me on.
b. Sometimes, because it gets my partner very aroused.
c. Not really, it’s boring.
d. No, it’s a turn off.
e. I’ve never experienced it but I’d like to.

A. I like to see Scotty cum. I don't always get to when we have sex, and it's a huge turn on to see him reach climax.
A. Why would you not want to watch your partner play with themselves?

4. Do you let your partner watch you masturbate?
a. Yes, it turns me on to be watched.
b. Sometimes, because it gets my partner very aroused.
c. No, it’s embarrassing.
d. I’ve never experienced it but I’d like to.

B. I am getting more and more comfortable with this. I still prefer to do it on my own, but will participate in mutual masturbation from time to time.
B all the way. Masturbation is when I feel it's all about me.

5. Mutual masturbation? Yay or Nay?

Yay! it is a huge turn on and can lead to some really amazing sex.
YAY! I love it

6. If you had an all-expense-paid trip to San Francisco to attend Masturbate-a-thon 2012 would you go and masturbate? Why or Why not? Center for Sex & CultureSunday, May 27, 10am-midnightArrive by 9pm$40 minimum self-sponsorship; or bring sponsorship form with pledgesAll genders, all orientations welcome to explore self-pleasure in a supportive group environment. Check the next newsletter for more detail about this year’s Thon, and join us to Come for a Cause!All donations and pledges support CSC’s operations and programs.
Probably not. I am barely comfortable letting Scotty see my lady bits, much less a room full of people I don't know.
YEP! I think it would be a little weird at first but who knows, I might be in to it.

Bonus: Are you addicted to masturbating?

Nope. I don't "need" to do it, I just like to from time to time.
yes, It's one of the few constants in my life. ;p


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!

Weekend Roundup: Week 6

After work, we went to dinner at a local Seafood restaurant that we will not be returning to. The service was a little less than OK and the food totally sucked. About half way through dinner Scotty realized that he had forgotten his phone at home, so we had to turn around and drive all the way home before going out to Scotty's heterosexual life partner's (HLP) house. The boys doodled around on YouTube for a bit, then Scotty spotted a guitar. He had told me that he played, but I had never heard or seen him play yet. While I didn't completely disbelieve that he could play guitar, I was not aware of how good he actually is. It was cool to see it in person. At one point we went upstairs because HLP's father is a TV producer, and he has won an Emmy. I just had to see this for myself, but I was hesitant to actually hold it, so I didn't. I ended up falling asleep on HLP's couch, so Scotty woke me up and took me home.

Saturday morning Scotty woke up and went to work for several hours, leaving me to sleep in and begin a side project I'm doing to get some extra cash. When he finally got home, we got ready and went over to my gay BFF, Sparkie's house for a Cinco De Mayo dinner. We downed about 4 gallons of the 8 gallon container of Sangria, and munched on all kinds of goodies while playing around on YouTube and Fiverr. We saw some of the most hilarious things that night. Sparkie's partner, we'll call him Chef, gave Scotty some pointers on dealing with indecisive women. Apparently Sparkie and I have a similar problem of not being able to decide on the simplest things, such as where to eat for dinner or what movie to see. Sleepily we made our way home, stopping impulsively to buy a cookie cake from the grocery store, and passed out almost immediately.

Scotty once again, left me sleeping, but this time he went to a car show with HLP for a few hours. Then he came home and we decided to go peruse a few local adult stores and have lunch. We ended up getting a fancy red cock ring with two vibrating bits that you can take out and arrange how you like. When we got home, I worked on the final stages of my side project, and then we tried out our new toy. It was pretty amazing, until the batteries started dying. We were pretty disappointed about that. The batteries should last through at least one sex session right? We rested for a little while, then had another round before falling asleep half naked.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Falling Slowly

Scotty and I have decided to move in together. And, as you already know, we have found the perfect apartment complex that we wish to move to. Considering my past, moving in with someone is huge for me. HUGE. And I am scared to death. This is a leap of faith I'm terrified of taking again, last time, I fell only to be shattered at the bottom of a dark empty hole.

I moved in with my ex fiance about two months after we met. Not completely by choice. His lease was up, and my roommates were abandoning me in the middle of our lease. I didn't drive at the time and he felt bad for me, so we moved in together. About a year later he proposed, and then 4 months before the wedding he left. We were together nearly two years, living together for most of them. It felt like a divorce, minus the legal paperwork. I ended up with less than half of our possessions and broke. He moved on very quickly, while I had to move back in with my parents and shortly after that lost my job. That year was a rough year for me, but I learned a lot from my experiences.

I love Scotty, and I can't wait to marry him. But I also thought I loved my ex, and we were planning our wedding. Deja Vu keeps kicking in and I shut down for a bit. Scotty does his best to reassure me, and I believe him when he says he loves me, he'll never leave me, and that we are in this together for better or worse. His sincerity touches me and a strong, secure feeling warms my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Scotty has even suggested that we draw up a contract that we are equally responsible for all bills related to the apartment, binding for 30 days after a separation or until we get married. But the "what ifs" are still in the back of my mind and I can't shake them completely.

In the past few days, the "what ifs" have quieted down. Things we've been a little worried about are falling into place. Items we need for our new apartment are suddenly appearing: a new bed, a dining room table, new bedside tables, a moving crew, a washer and dryer, and God knows what else will spring up between now and our moving date. It's like this is meant to be and fate is taking over making my worries soften and disappear. As each day passes, I feel better and  about making this step and starting this life with Scotty.

I especially can't wait to have our new bed :)

All images via

TMI Tuesday: The Here and Now

1. Are you wearing any jewelry? What?
I am wearing my engagement ring of course! As well as a Celtic knot ring on my right hand that looks like this --------------------->
Around my neck I am wearing a necklace my mom brought back for me from Alaska. Last, in my ears, in the second holes, I am wearing diamond studs. 
I don't wear jewelry. But I do wear the Bracelet that Nicole gave me.

2. What are you listening to now?

The gentle hum of my tiny desk fan and the clicking of my keyboard. There are muffled voices in the lobby of our building right outside the door and a from time to time I hear a car pass by.
Nicole trying to talk me into seeing a movie.

3. What is the last piece of entertainment media (i.e., cd, download, book, DVD) that you purchased? Do you recommend it?

A Thousand Years, by Christina Perri. I downloaded it to my iPhone on Wednesday.Definitely recommend it. Beautiful song.
Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter  So far it is an awesome book.

4. What kind of undergarments are you wearing right now? Care to post a photo?

I am wearing a nude bra and silky gray panties with lace trim ;) Scotty got a peek before we left the house this morning.
Gray boxer briefs

5. What is your current mood?

BORED. It's very quiet in the office this week.

6. What is the best looking thing about you today?

My dress. It's new and it's colorful. Everyone has complimented me on it today.
My beard? I dress like a bum at work.

7. Fill in the blank. Tonight I’m looking forward to _____________ .

Snuggling up with Scotty and watching RuPaul's Drag Race.
Apparently seeing a movie w/ Nicole

Bonus: Tell me something good…anything you want to share. Just do it

We found the apartment complex we want to move to! And it's a decent commute for both of us! 
I second her answer


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!